Mike Trampe @MichaelJTrampe
CEO of MAAD Management, LLC. A Social Media & Online Marketing/Branding Company.
Clients Include(d): HipHopDX, Datpiff, DJ Booth, Hip Hop Early, Crooked I, Horseshoe Gang, Shontelle, Bobby Ross Avila, TDE, 47 Brand, Rich Gang Clothing + More!
Nick Hiersche @nickhiersche
President of Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes/NewIndustryTips.com
Big Swift @bigswiftthe1st
Certified Platinum Producer for R&B group H-Town, The Geto Boys, Scarface, Willie D, Fat Pat, Rap-A-Lot and Screwed Up Click.
Rob Schwartz - @whomag @whomag
CEO of iFame TV (ROKU), WHO?MAG TV, & WHO?MAG Distribution
www.whomagtv.com and www.chetownfilms.com.